Combined French and Nigérien Troops Capture Two Senior Islamic State Greater Sahara Militants, Abu Maryam (aka Zaid) and Sita Oseni (aka Luqman), in Itakala and Téra, in Tillabéri Region, Niger - 10 July 2023

TRAC Incident Report: Combined French and Nigérien Troops Capture Two Senior Islamic State Greater Sahara Militants, Abu Maryam (aka Zaid) and Sita Oseni (aka Luqman / Lookman), in Itakala and Téra, in Tillabéri Region, Niger – 10 July 2023

Brian Ladd
2 years ago

The Tillabéri Region of Niger has long been an area plagued by Islamic State Greater Sahara activity. Situated near the tri-border area of Niger, Burkina Faso, and…

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