Bawa, who has served in his traditional role for over 45 years, expressed frustration over the lack of government response to his abduction. He, along with his son and younger brother, was kidnapped by bandits on the Goronyo-Sabon Birni road while returning from Sokoto. The abductors initially demanded N1 billion in ransom, later reducing their demand to N500 million. In the video, it is clear that Baka has significant amounts of blood and dirt covering his body, showing the maltreatment of the bandits towards him and meant to alarm those watching it to gain sympathy. This video also shows that now in Nigeria, due to corruption concerns, lack of faith in the government, and pure lack of funds amongst the populous to pay it back.

TRAC Incident Report: Kidnapped Sokoto District Head, Isa Muhammad Bawa, Urgently Appeals for Government Intervention as Ransom Deadline Expires, Gatawa, Sokoto State, Nigeria – 17 August 2024

Justin Shields
4 weeks ago

21 August 2024 TRAC Update On 21 August 2024, the bandits killed District Head Isa Muhammad Bawa and demanded 60N Million for five motorbikes for the return of his body…

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